Abergele District foodbank is open Monday-Friday 10am till 2pm


Our Vision

is for a future without the need for Abergele District food bank

At Abergele District Foodbank we believe that to end the need for foodbanks we need to be offering more than just food. We will work with our referral agencies, other organisations and people with lived experiences to ensure that people are getting the help they need.


Our values are at the heart of everything we do, helping us navigate tough decisions and support communities effectively. The Trussell Trust and ourselves are based on, shaped, and guided by Christian principles, whilst also being accessible and meaningful for people, whatever their background.

These values provide a strong shared foundation for collaboration with other foodbanks across the network towards our goal of ending the need for food banks in the UK.

Our values

Our values are the fundamental driving principles that encapsulate the passion and motivation for our work.


This motivates us to stand alongside people in crisis and provide support and care for individuals.


This drives us to insist that it is not right that somebody should experience hunger or poverty, and take action to change this


As people, we are all interconnected, and because of this we have a responsibility to support one another.



We recognise the value of every individual, prioritising other people’s needs and concerns in the spirit of friendship.


How we’re making a difference



Changing communities

We are working with our referral partners including hosting events to bring everyone together to address the underlying drivers of acute poverty.



Changing policy

We are gathering data and campaigning locally and nationally to drive policy change to ensure that no one needs to use a food bank.




Changing minds

Lasting change happens when wider society thinks and acts differently about an issue, so we’re building understanding and empathy about the drivers of food bank use, and calling greater numbers of people to take action

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